The North Cyprus Orchid Walk ‘Shensev Project’ was born out of a conversation between Shensev Moustafa, a committee member of Pro Cancer Research Fund and Ibrahim Kanli of TWI/Jewels of the World. PCRF was then a group of people who had come together who had all been affected by cancer with a passion for making a difference to those others who had a similar experience. The first walk took place 2003 and it has gone become a flagship event for the charity that everyone looks forward to.
2014 will be our eleventh year and we are proud that Shensev’s project has become a major event in our fundraising calender. We are grateful to the core walkers who started the walk with us 10 years ago and continue to come with us every year and of course to all our new walkers who have become part of the PCRF family. We wish to thank all our sponsors and supporters without whom we could not do the work that we do.
Why should I do the walk?
The Orchid Walk and the funds raised helps us to continue our work. It is an amazing experience that does not fail to move people and people talk of it as being a life changing experience. We travel together and we walk together and we share so many wonderful experiences and feel good that we have all made a difference.
What does the money I raise support?
Research into Breast and Prostate Cancer is carried out at Imperial College by Professor Mustafa Djamgoz and his group.
What is different about this research?
Currently most cancers are treated by chemotherapy, radiotherapy in the main or by a combination of both. Whilst these treatments have saved countless lives we are all aware of the side effects during and post treatment that is endured by the patient. It is therefore essential to find targeted treatment methods that target the cancer only and with little or no side effects. Professor Djamgoz has developed some drugs that target the cancer only with little or no side effects. The work is at clinical trial stage and is getting ready for Phase Two clinical Trials. There are four stages before a drug can be prescribed it is therefore very exciting that the work is at a stage where it is going to be tested on patients. This a very expensive phase and it is important that we continue our fundraising efforts.
Diagnosing cancer also has challenges in that it is invasive and there is no diagnostic tool at the moment that is able to differentiate between those cancers that will metastasise (spread) and those that will not. The technique that Professor Djamgoz is are working on is able to tell the difference between those cells that will spread and those that will not. Why is this so important you may ask? At the moment anyone with cancer will receive either chemotherapy or radiotherapy or a combination of both. These have serious side effects and all those diagnosed with cancer will be treated in the same way. It is possible that some of these patients may not have aggressive metastatic disease. Any new developments that will help oncologists in treating patients would be very welcome. They are hoping that the diagnosis will through a simple blood test which is excellent news as anyone who has had a needle core biopsy will tell you it is not for the faint hearted.
Drop in Centre for people affected by cancer. Patients and their families can call at the centre for information, help, and counselling/psychotherapy. We also do outreach work at the patients’ home or hospital for those patients who are not well enough to come to the centre or have barriers into understanding their treatment and diagnosis. All our services are free of charge.
So with your help and support we can make a real difference so that Today becomes Tomorrow and Despair becomes a distant memory and not something that is always lurking the door.
You can register with a £50 deposit and then you are required to raise a minimum sponsorship of £1000 to take part in the walk.
We hope that you will join us and support the work that we do.
This is the flagship fundraising event of PCRF. It takes place on a Sunday during a one-week visit to North Cyprus. It will take place for the 13th consecutive year in 2016 during the week 20th – 27th April. The Walk itself will be on Sunday, the 24th. This is a 15 km walk which, this year, will be in the Kyrenia Mountains along the beautiful Mediterranean Sea. Whilst the Walk is just on the Sunday, the rest of the week is spent with cultural activities and some free time is available. Please see the gallery for pictures taken in previous years’ walks.
The main requirement is to raise a minimum of £1000 sponsorship which covers the cost of the flight and hotel (B & B) in Cyprus.
For further details, please contact:
Mrs Sabire Djamgoz
P: 0795 612 9304
E: sabire.djamgoz@btinternet.com
Alternatively, complete the registration forms below and send them to Mrs Djamgoz at the following address:
Amber Care Centre
126 Myddleton Road
London N22 8NQ

Charity Registration No. 1090822,
Company Registration No. 04312822, Registered in England
Travel Dates:
Wednesday 20 April 2016 : We travel out
Sunday 24 April 2016: We hold the Orchid Walk
Wednesday 27 April 2014: We return to the UK
There is an initial non-refundable and non transferable registration fee of £50.00. When you have completed the form in full, send it together with your payment and your completed medical questionnaire to the address below. Every participant must complete and sign their registration form.
You will be sent an information pack about the walk and ideas to help with your fundraising.
PLEASE NOTE: Once you have registered you are legally obliged to raise your full sponsorship of £1000 even if you are not able to take part in the walk due to unforeseen circumstances.